What’s Going on Here?
Sometimes the dry Minutes of municipal council meetings suggest more than is recorded.
Dean Murdock, Saanich Councillor
by Roger Stonebanks, citizen journalist
Below is an example from the Saanich council meeting of Sept. 28, 2015, detailing how Coun. Dean Murdock resigned – or tried to – from the Finance, Audit and Personnel Standing Committee (FAP) earlier this year. Mayor Richard Atwell responded as shown in the Minutes. Saanich Voice Online (SVO),has emailed Coun. Murdock and Mayor Atwell to ask them to comment.
Coun. Murdock told SVO that it has been “a great experience to serve on FAP” since 2008. “I’ve taken on many additional commitments as a councillor since first starting serving on FAP and the time has come for me to focus my energies elsewhere. Coun. Wergeland, who does not chair any other Saanich committees or serve on any of the regional committees, has offered to serve on the committee. To date, Mayor Atwell has not responded to either of us on this matter.
“In my seven years on council, I’ve been appointed to, and stepped down from, several committees and boards [he listed 15 to SVO]. This is the first time I’ve ever had the chair refuse to accept or acknowledge my resignation.”
Minutes of the Sept. 28, 2015, Saanich council meeting.
FINANCE, AUDIT AND PERSONNEL STANDING COMMITTEE Memo from Councillor Murdock dated September 15, 2015 requesting Council direction on the membership of the Finance, Audit and Personnel Standing Committee.
Councillor Murdock stated: – He had provided Mayor Atwell with his resignation from the Finance, Audit and Personnel Standing Committee (FAP) on May 28, 2015; he met with the Mayor in June to discuss and left the meeting understanding that his resignation had been accepted. – In the September FAP minutes, it was noted that he sent his regrets for the meeting; Councillor Murdock would like confirmation of his resignation.
Mayor Atwell stated: – Mayors appoint Council members to Standing Committees and can rescind appointments; a letter of resignation is not typically the practice. – It is a Council member’s responsibility to respond to the Mayor’s appointments and to fulfil their mandate under the Community Charter which is to participate in meetings to which they are appointed. – He would like to defer the discussion about committee membership and revisit Councillor Murdock’s resignation.
Councillor Murdock stated: – He is open to discussing committee membership but it is not his intention to participate further on FAP.
Mayor Atwell stated: – Council members have a responsibility to participate on committees; further discussion should take place and a replacement could be appointed.
Councillor Wergeland stated: – He is interested in serving on the FAP committee. – He is concerned that this item has come forward at a Council meeting.
Councillor Derman stated: – It is the prerogative of the Mayor to appoint Standing Committee members; the Community Charter does not state that “members must serve”; it speaks to “members who are willing to serve”. – Councillors should have the right to decline serving on a committee if they choose.
Councillor Brownoff stated: – Standing Committees are appointed by the Mayor; Council needs to recognize that Councillors’ workloads are different.
Councillor Sanders stated: – Councillors may have work and family obligations which may make attending meetings difficult; we don’t want to preclude residents who work full time from running for municipal Council.
MOVED by Councillor Brice and Seconded by Councillor Murdock: “That the report from Councillor Murdock dated September 15, 2015 be received; and that the item be referred to a future meeting for further discussion.” CARRIED
Here is Coun. Murdock’s Memo
Memo To: Mayor and Council
From: Councillor Dean Murdock
Date: September 15, 2015
Subject: Finance, Audit & Personnel MembershipI wrote to Mayor Atwell on May 28th to indicate that after six years as a committee member, the time has come for me to step down from the Finance, Audit and Personnel Standing Committee (attached). Mayor Atwell and I met on June 29th, and I left the meeting with the understanding that he had accepted my resignation from the committee.
Much to my surprise, the draft minutes for the FAP meeting held on September 3rd, indicate that I had sent regrets for the meeting. It was my expectation that, as I am no longer a member of the committee, my name would not appear in the minutes as not attending. It is my hope to have this matter clarified and my resignation from FAP confirmed.
I have asked that the issue of FAP membership be included on this evening’s agenda to seek Council’s direction on the membership of the FAP committee.
Dean Murdock
Saanich Councillor
Here is Coun. Murdock’s email to Mayor Atwell of May 28, 2015
Hi Richard,
As you consider restructuring FAP, I respectfully request that my name not be included as a member. I’ve served on FAP since 2008 and have enjoyed it tremendously. It’s extremely valuable to gain an understanding of the workings of each department.
As my professional role continues to evolve, it is increasingly challenging for me to attend meetings during the day. The water commission and library board (on which I also sit) both meet near my office over the lunch hour, which make them easier to attend. Regrettably, I’m not able to make myself available to attend FAP or the restructured committees that replace it.
Thanks very much.
Dean Murdock
District of Saanich
UPDATE (“What’s Going on Here” – continued)
Saanich Voice Online has noticed that the District of Saanich website has two postings since the council meeting on Sept. 28, 2015, that list municipal committee appointments. One is “revised” dated Oct. 8, 2015, the other is “revised” dated Oct. 13, 2015. In both postings Coun. Dean Murdock’s name does not appear on the Finance, Audit and Personnel Committee (although, confusingly, his posted biography still has him as a member of FAP).
SVO asked Mayor Richard Atwell and Coun. Murdock for comment.
Coun. Murdock replied: “I’m not aware of the changes to the membership list. As far as I’m aware, there have been no formal changes to FAP membership. I have asked that the minutes indicate my resignation from the committee, as received by Council on Sept 28.”
SVO has not received a reply from Mayor Atwell.
The FAP is a “standing committee” meaning that the mayor appoints the members. The current composition of the committee is – Mayor Atwell as chair, and Couns. Vicki Sanders, Colin Plant and Fred Haynes.