Archive for May 2013

Shaw Ocean Discovery Celebrates Volunteers
Appreciation was bubbling over at the Shaw Ocean Discovery Center, during a reception recognizing volunteers for their dedication. Executive Director Angus Matthews opened the event by expressing his gratitude. Read the rest of this entry »
A Triumph for Transparency
Two years after first considering the idea of videotaping council meetings, the cameras in Central Saanich are finally rolling. The move followed a wave of controversy in 2011, when residents discovered that council was no longer recording their votes in the Minutes. Read the rest of this entry »
New Faces Join Central Saanich Council
On May 6th 2013, the swearing-in of Central Saanich's newest municipal councillors will take place in the council chambers. Alicia Cormier and Ryan Windsor topped the polls in the recent by-election, winning their seats on council. Read the rest of this entry »

A Life and Death Conversation with Stephen P. Roberts
What would you give for just one more day with someone you loved?
Did you both have a chance to say everything you wanted; to leave nothing undone? Sometimes death sneaks up and catches you unprepared; sometimes you see it coming a mile away, and you’re still not ready. Read the rest of this entry »
Local Councillor Wins Speaking Contest
The hall at St. Patrick’s Church on Haultain Ave was crowded on Friday the 19th of April with over 100 Toastmasters from all over Victoria and beyond. From Sooke to Sidney they gathered to hear Victoria’s six top public speakers Read the rest of this entry »