Archive for January 2013

Shakin’ All Over
The holidays are over. All the parties; the rum with eggnog and brandied fruitcake (with marzipan); the dinners with people you avoided all year, are finally behind you. Until your mirror says they’re still behind you – literally. Read the rest of this entry »
Council Reverses Decision on Mail Ballot
As Central Saanich council prepares for a by-election to replace Councillor Terry Siklenka, who resigned from council December 3rd, a motion came before council striking a nerve with some residents. Mayor Alastair Bryson along with Councillors Cathie Ounsted and John Garrison (Carl Jensen was absent), voted at the Dec 19th special meeting to eliminate the mail ballot for by-elections. Read the rest of this entry »

Central Saanich Goes Electric
On November 5th Central Saanich Council voted unanimously to install two Plug-in Electric Vehicle (PEV) stations in the municipality, joining over 70 other organizations across BC, in a province-wide initiative to promote the use of electric transportation. Read the rest of this entry »
FIPA: The Canada China Foreign Investment Protection and Promotion Treaty
Eighteen years ago, negotiations began for an agreement with China which was announced in February 2012 by Prime Minister Harper, to “facilitate investment flows between Canada and China,” to provide a “more stable investment environment” and “contribute to jobs and growth.” The Canada-China Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (FIPA) was signed on September 8, 2012, in Vladivostok Russia, and tabled in the House of Commons on September 26th, 2012. Read the rest of this entry »