Candidates for Central Saanich Council
By Ed Johnson, Citizen Journalist
Council Candidates
Name: Liam Cooper
Residence: Central Saanich
Occupation: Organizer / UVic Law Student
Affiliations: none
Reason for Running: “I am running to hold the line on debt and taxes and increase revenues by rejuvenating Keating Cross, Saanichton and Brentwood. I will also promote volunteerism and keep residents informed.”
Candidate: John Garrison (incumbent)
Residence: Duncan
Occupation: Retired
Affiliations: Law Society of BC, Alumni Associations of UBC and UVic, Probus Club
Reason for Running: “To work with the community addressing aging infrastructure needs in a fiscally prudent manner, so future residents inherit a community asset and not a liability. The proposed firehall is one of these needs.”
Candidate: Carl Jensen
Residence: Central Saanich
Occupation: Supervisor-Forest Revenue Operations, Ministry of Finance
Affiliations: Chair-Peninsula Recreation Commission, Member-Central Saanich Advisory Planning Commission, Athletic Director Victoria Highland Games
Reason for Running: “I love Central Saanich and plan to grow old here while ensuring this remains a beautiful and financially attainable community for my children and to live in as well.”
Candidate: Zeb King
Residence: Central Saanich
Occupation: Senior Policy Analyst-Ministry of Health and small business operator
Affiliations: Lions Club member, Toastmasters member
Reason for Running: “People tell me times are tough; rising taxes are crippling their families. I hear you. I’ll be your voice on council while protecting services. Together we can turn things around.”
Candidate: James McNulty
Residence: Central Saanich
Occupation: Owner/Operator of 5 Star Paving Company Ltd. and Island View Golf
Affiliations: Little league sponsor, Volunteer for Stellys climbing gym, 24 hour relay and Trucks for Hunger event.
Reason for Running: “I am passionate about Central Saanich and its future. More transparency in the day-to-day dealings of government. C.S. is my home-I intend on being here all my life.”
Candidate: Susan Mason (incumbent)
Residence: Central Saanich
Occupation: Interior Designer, Event Planner, Artist
Affiliations: Co-chair Brentwood Revitalization Committee, Harvest Feast Committee, Peninsula Chamber of Commerce Municipal Representative, and more.
Reason for Running: “People have requested me to run for fourth term, as they feel that I care, listen and that I’m committed to bringing an informed, balanced, common sense approach to council.”
Candidate: Adam Olsen (incumbent)
Residence: Central Saanich
Occupation: First Nations Housing Consultant
Affiliations: none
Reason for Running: “Central Saanich has been my home my entire life! I thoroughly enjoy Council work and I’m committed to continuing to build strong relationships, across political, social and cultural interests.”
Candidate: Cathie Ounsted
Residence: Central Saanich
Occupation: Accountant
Affiliations: Director-Peninsula Co-op Board, Director-Island Catholic School Board, Volunteer-Peninsula Wildcats
Reason for Running: “I am hoping to represent the silent majority of citizens in Central Saanich primarily representing families, businesses and working individuals.”
Candidate: Terry Siklenka (incumbent)
Residence: Saanich
Occupation: General Manager at Cairnview Mechanical
Affiliations: Director-Council of Construction Associations and Director-Construction Safety Association of BC, Volunteer-United Way Trades Committee and more.
Reason for Running: “Central Saanich is a very special place and in the past three years council has done a great job to start the process of proper stewardship in caring for the community, but the job’s not done.”
Candidate: Wayne Spencer
Residence: Central Saanich
Occupation: Accountant
Affiliations: CGA-SVI Chapter, CPF-Saanich Chapter, BC Conservatives-N.Saanich/Gulf Islands., Cub Leader-10th Tsartlip
Reason for Running: “To ensure there is some real thought and transparency in decisions. As a father of three young boys, I want to preserve Central Saanich’s lifestyle while preparing for the future.”
Candidate: Susan Stroud
Residence: Central Saanich
Occupation: Administrative support for BC Housing Commission
Affiliations: 30 year Member Amnesty International, Director-Central Saanich Residents Association
Reason for Running: “I will hold the line on taxes and debt; be transparent and communicative; consult the public on issues as widely as possible and maintain our rural and farmlands.”
Candidate: Robert Thompson
Residence: Central Saanich
Occupation: Independent agri-food contractor for Small Scale Food Processor Association and the Southern Vancouver Island Direct Farm Marketing Association.
Affiliations: Chair-Central Saanich Advisory Planning Commission, Director-Island Farmer’s Alliance, Director-Saanich Peninsula Chamber of Commerce, Coordinator-Saanich Peninsula Harvest Feast, Member-North and South Saanich Agricultural Society.
Reason for Running: “To work with the community to make balanced and respected decisions based on informed debate, to promote livable residential neighbourhoods, vibrant commercial centres, sustainable agriculture, within the context of the OCP.”
Candidate: Ryan Windsor
Residence: Central Saanich
Occupation: Director of Marketing at De Vine Vineyards
Affiliations: Director-Peninsula Streams Society, Member-Rotary Club of Sidney
Reason for Running: “Our Council needs a balanced approach that meets the needs of residents, while respecting our natural environment, maintaining compact urban zones, strengthening agriculture and minimizing debt load.”
Mayoral Candidates
Candidate: Alastair Bryson
Residence: Central Saanich
Occupation: Veterinarian and sheep farmer
Affiliations: Volunteer as youth leader for the Saanich 4H lamb club
Reason for Running: “The past six years on Council have prepared me to lead an effective team of councillors who will represent our community’s interests at the local and regional levels of government.”
Candidate: Christopher Graham
Residence: Central Saanich
Occupation: Small Business and Local Farm Operator
Affiliations: Member of the Victoria Chamber of Commerce, Peninsula Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Victoria
Reason for Running: “I am deeply invested in Central Saanich and will provide effective and experienced leadership. I will work for Keating revitalization and give you careful financial management and inclusive, accountable government.”
Advanced voting is November 9th and 16th from 8am to 8pm at the Central Saanich Municipal Hall. General Voting is November 19th at the Municipal Hall or the Cultural Center from 8am-8pm
October 28th All Candidates’ Meeting

Thanks for posting the video of the all-candidates meeting hosted by RROCS. I hope the Chamber of Commerce/Peninsula News Review meeting was taped and will also be posted, for those who were unable to attend.
I received a flyer in my mailbox from an anonymous group, two days before the election. The flyer had no names, no contact information and no sources for their allegations against various candidates. The group made statements they proclaimed as ‘facts’, that were simply lies.
After smearing a number of good people, the flyer then went to great length to tell the reader who to vote for. I was insulted that this group would believe that the residents of Central Saanich are so naive that they would not see through this desperate attempt to manipulate the voter.
I hope my fellow residents will think twice before taking advice from an anonymous group, that takes a “divide and conquer” approach to getting their candidates elected. Any candidates that support this kind of campaigning, will also encourage a fractious and divisive community.
If I need information, I will call the candidates myself-I encourage everyone else to do the same.
Well said, and my vote changed considerably after receiving that self-serving missive
I too have been informed of this dispicable action by these desperate individuals. Having been a part of this community for 28 years I am very saddened that anyone could have such EGO to stoop to the type of politicing which is being displayed in MY community at this time. If this bunch has their way this place will not be worth living in. PLEASE I URGE ALL ELIGABLE VOTERS WITHIN THIS FINE COMMUNITY TO GET TO THE POLLS AND SEND A STRONG MESSAGE, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
Well who would have thought that by trashing members of the community, elected officials and community groups that the CSWVA, who and whatever that is, leaflet would carry such clought within MY community. The public has spoken very clearly in this election. They want a LANGFORD here in CENTRAL SAANICH. I congratulate Mayor and Council on their election success. I hope that they consider all of the electorate within this lovely district prior to making decisions on behalf of us all.
Wow! It”s awfully quiet out there. Remember good people of CS, let’s just give them a chance to prove what they are about. There are several very communtiy orientated individuals on OUR new council. They have three years to lead this district in the direction that OUR community is renowned for or NOT. Only time will tell. It is this citizens feeling that they will lead with their HEART and we will all benefit from their guidance!