Archive for June 2011

Most Beautiful Shortcut
Brad Morrison, Citizen Journalist, writes, "A grand send-off was given to the MV Mill Bay on May 1, on its retirement after 55 years of service plying the 3 ½ mile distance between Brentwood and Mill Bay up to 18 times a day. Dubbed by BC Ferries as, “The Island’s Most Beautiful Shortcut,” the 37.5 metre (123' 10") ferry arrived at the Brentwood dock at 7:15 pm on Sunday evening completing its final run with its last load of passengers and vehicles, entering the history books as an icon in Brentwood and Mill Bay history." Read the rest of this entry »
Land of Milk and Honey
"Last month in Saanich Voice Online, local farmers expressed their thoughts on farming and marketing on the Peninsula. They are out there growing good things for us, and their food is available at farm gates and markets, but how about at the big grocery stores?" asks Citizen Journalist, Lois Theaker. Read the rest of this entry »

Water Squatters Rile Neighbours
SVO's resolute reporter, Ed Johnson, writes that, "You can feel the angst of local residents who are fed up with the derelict boats in Tod Inlet and Brentwood Bay these days, some left by irresponsible owners who no longer want to deal with the problem of properly disposing of their boats." Read the rest of this entry »

Ahoy There
Judy Barlow, Citizen Journalist, writes that, "Life on a boat isn’t all halcyon days and starlit nights. You can’t just curl up with a good book when you’re far from port while a raging storm is screaming down on you. Yet many people choose life on the water."
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Healthy Home – Healthy Body
"Our home is the place where we eat, sleep, work and play. It should be safe and harmonious with good health," writes SVO's new Citizen Journalist, Marilyn Jarczak. Read the rest of this entry »
Trading Post
Ed Johnson, Citizen Journalist, notes, "If it is native art that interests you, there is perhaps no better place to visit then the newly-opened Pat Bay Trading Post on the Tseycum First Nations territory opposite Pat Bay." Read the rest of this entry »

Saanich Goes Fowl
"Andy Nezil is scraping the moss off his family’s chicken coop...." Find out what happens next in Citizen Journalist, Dean Murdock's story. Read the rest of this entry »