Volunteer… You’ll Feel Better.
Author: Judy Barlow, Citizen Journalist
Social Butterflies. They flutter up and down the halls of the Saanich Peninsula Hospital. They read; reminisce; send email; anything to help patients while away the time and feel connected. They’re volunteers. They make a difference. Just ask Maxx. Of course, he can’t answer, but his owner holds Maxx’s ‘power of cat-torney’ and is authorized to speak.
“I love bringing Maxx ‘the therapy cat’ to the Extended Care Unit,” says Kelley Gamblewest. Maxx appeared to be a very special cat – patient, loving, gentle and huge! “When he isn’t practising being a ‘speed bump’ in the hallway, he’s walking the hallways with his tail in the air. He pokes his nose into every room and seems to know who wants to pet him and who would prefer he walk on by … I volunteer my time; Maxx is paid in pets and cookies,” says Gamblewest.
When you enter the Saanich Peninsula Hospital, a Guiding Star in Reception tells you where to go; in the nicest possible manner, of course. They might even escort you to make sure you don’t get lost.
If these opportunities don’t appeal to you, relax. Two hundred and fifty volunteers have found just what the doctor ordered. They can probably find the perfect fit for you, too.
With helpers needed in Emergency and Medical Imaging, you can check out medicine as a career path. Jaylene Sandhu does. “I volunteer at the Saanich Peninsula Hospital for the experience because I want to be a doctor.”
For other, specialized interests, you can join the gentlemen’s club; give mani-pedis; or help out with lawn bowling, gardening, and Bingo. Palliative care requires a special kind of person with unparalleled caring and compassion.
The Petroskis have made it a family affair. David Petroski volunteers “to give people a small act of kindness in a world that is not always so polite or so kind.” Donna does it because, “it nourishes my soul. My volunteering helps improve the quality of life for some of the residents.”
Chris Foster, Manager of Volunteer Resources knows just how big a difference volunteers make at the Saanich Peninsula Hospital. Chris says, “Volunteers provide something that paid staff cannot do. Volunteers are not there for a pay cheque. They are there for the patients. They are the eyes and the ears of the hospital, and the nurses could not do what they do without them. Lots of the volunteers are retired nurses, and while they can’t practise anymore they bring their skills and a ton of professionalism with them. The nursing staff appreciate just how much easier their job is when volunteers are on the floor. I’m humbled and honoured every day and I feel privileged to be around them.”
Volunteering. The rewards are intangible – and invaluable.
If you want to find out more about volunteering at the Saanich Peninsula Hospital, contact:
Chris Foster
Manager, Volunteer Resources
Email [email protected]
Phone (250) 652-7519