Archive for March 2011
Debt Reaches All-time High
Ed Johnson, SVO citizen journalist, attempts to give a clear picture of Central Saanich finances in advance of public Budget hearings. What he found may alarm you. Read the rest of this entry »

Blues in the Afternoon
While out canvassing in the community (nothing to do with the blues), citizen journalist, Lois Theaker met a man with a plectrum on his thumb. “You must be a guitarist,” she said. There began a great front step conversation about the blues with Mike Ballantyne. When asked if he knew Bill Johnson, another local blues player, Mike said no, but that he would sure like to meet him. This sounded too good to miss, so, since each of them lived in the neighbourhood, a meeting was set. Read the rest of this entry »
“Pavey Award” Announced
Alex Furtado believes citizen journalism is about conveying information to the public from the perspective of a community member, without the incentive of employment! In her article she reports on the satirical "Pavey Award" recently announced and reported on by other local media. Read the rest of this entry »
Volunteerism is Alive and Well in Sidney
Citizen reporter Judy Barlow writes about opportunities to volunteer. Read the rest of this entry »
Healthy Living, Healthy Planet EXPO Returns
Maria St. Amand, Citizen Journalist, reports on the Healthy Living, Healthy Planet Expo in Brentwood Bay.
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What’s the Brass Tax?
Citizen journalist, Sue Stroud, reports on the budget process in Central Saanich. Read the rest of this entry »